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  • Hong SG, Shin JC, Choi SY, Powers J, Sayoc J, Son JS, Tierney R, Recchia FA, Brown MD, Yang XF, Park JY, Disturbed-Flow Instigates Mitochondrial Fragmentation, Leading to Atheroprone Phenotype in Endothelial Cells, JCI Insight, 2022 Sep 22;7(18):e159286. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.159286.


  • Junchul Shin, Soon-Gook Hong, Soo Young Choi, Meghan E. Rath, Jason Saredy, Daniel G. Jovin, Jacqueline Sayoc, Hye-Sang Park, Satoru Eguchi, Victor Rizzo, Rosario Scalia, Hong Wang, Steven R. Houser, Joon-Young Park, Unidirectional Laminar Flow-induced Endothelial Mitochondrial Remodeling Mitigates Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Promotes Mitochondrial DNA Integrity in a p53-dependent manner.  Redox Biology, 50:102252. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2022.102252, 2022


  • Yang P, Wu Q, Sun L, Fang P, Liu L, Ji Y, Park JY, Qin X, Yang X, Wang H., Adaptive Immune Response Signaling Is Suppressed in Ly6Chigh Monocyte but Upregulated in Monocyte Subsets of ApoE -/- Mice - Functional Implication in Atherosclerosis. Front Immunol. 2021 Dec 20;12:809208. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.809208. eCollection 2021.


  • Benjamin M. Meister, Soon-Gook Hong, Junchul Shin, Meghan Rath, Jacqueline Sayoc, and Joon-Young Park, Healthy vs. Unhealthy Adipose Tissue Expansion: The Role of Exercise, The Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, 31(1): 37-50, 2022


  • Jessica L. Hamdan , Meghan Rath , Jacqueline Sayoc , and Joon-Young Park, A brief descriptive outline of the rules of mixed martial arts and concussion in mixed martial arts, Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, J Exerc Rehabil. 2022;18(3): 142-154, 2022


  • Hong SG, Shin JC, Aldokhayyil M, Brown MD, Park JY, Mitochondrial and Metabolic Adaptations to Exercise-Induced Fluid Shear Stress in Endothelial Cells, Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 50(3):145-155, 2022


  • Kim JS, Sayoc J, Baek KW, Park JY, Laminar shear stress protects against premature endothelial senescence by SIRT1-dependent mechanisms, Exercise Science, 30(2): 213-220, 2021.


  • Hong JY, Hong SG, Lee JH, Park JY, Eriksen J, Rooney B, and Park YJ, Exercise training ameliorates cerebrovascular dysfunction in a murine model of Alzheimer's Disease: Role of the P2Y2 receptor and endoplasmic reticulum stress, American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 318(6):H1559-H1569. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00129.2020.


  • Kim TW, Park SS, Park JY, Park HS, Infusion of plasma from young, exercised mice ameliorates cognitive dysfunction by enhancing hippocampal neuroplasticity and mitochondria functions in 3xTg-AD mice, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(9): 3291, 2020. doi: 10.3390/ijms21093291


  • Tian R, Colucci SW, Arany Z, Bachschmid MM, Ballinger SW, Boudina S, Bruce JE, Busija DW, Dikalov S, Dorn II GW, Galis ZS, Gottlieb RA, Kelly DP, Kitsis RN, Kohr MJ, Levy D, Lewandowski ED, McClung JM, Mochly-Rosen D, O’Brien KD, O’Rourke B, Park JY, Ping P, Sack MN, Sheu SS, Shi Y, Shiva S, Wallace DC, Weiss RG, Vernon HJ, Wong R, Longacre LS, Unlocking the Secrets of Mitochondria in the Cardiovascular System: Path to a Cure in Heart Failure, Circulation, 140 (14): 1205-1216, 2019


  • Salamah A, Shin JC, Park JY*, Effect of NSAIDs on muscle adaptations to resistance training: A brief review, Journal of Public Health Issues and Practices, 3(1) DOI:,  2019


  • Joo HY, Park JY, Rhyu HS, Effects of the senior welfare center exercise program on body shape, physical fitness level, and cardiovascular health-related factors in old man from Korean rural areas, J Exerc Rehabil, 15(2): 282-286, 2019


  • Kim JS and Park JY*, Effects of resveratrol on laminar shear stress-induced nitochondrial biogenesis in human vascular endothelial cells, J Exerc Nutrition Biochem 23(1):7-12, 2019


  • Kokkinaki D, Hoffman M, Kalliora C, Kyriazis ID, Maning J, Lucchese AM, Shanmughapriya S, Tomar D, Park JY, Wang H, Yang XF, Madesh M, Lymperopoulos A, Koch WJ, Christofidou-Solomidou M, Drosatos K., Chemically synthesized Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (LGM2605) improves mitochondrial function in cardiac myocytes and alleviates septic cardiomyopathy, J Mol Cell Cardiol. 127:232-245, 2019


  • Lee HJ, Kim KJ, Kim B, Shin JC, Rajan S, Chen X, Brown MD, Lee SH, Park JY*, A cellular mechanism of muscle memory facilitates mitochondrial remodeling following resistance training, Journal of Physiology, September 596(18): 4413-4426. 2018 (Featured by Editorial Board)


  • Zheng H, Nanayakkara GK, Shao Y, Fu H, SunY, Cueto R, Yang WY, Yang Q, Shen H, Na W, Wang LQ, Yang W, Chen H, Shao L, Sun J, Qin X, Park JY, Drosatos K, Choi ET, Zhu Q, Wang H, Yang XF, DNA Checkpoint and Repair Factors are Nuclear Sensors for Intracellular Organelle Stresses - Inflammations and Cancers Can Have High Genomic Risks, Frontiers in Physiology, 2018 May 11;9:516. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00516. 2018


  • Cheng Z, Shen X, Jiang X, Shan H, Cimini M, Fang P, Ji Y, Park JY, Drosatos K, Yang X, Kevil CG, Kishore R, Wang H. Hyperhomocysteinemia potentiates diabetes-impaired EDHF-induced vascular relaxation: Role of insufficient hydrogen sulfide. Redox Biol. 16:215-225, 2018


  • Seki M, Powers JC, Maruyama S, Zuriaga H, Wu CL, Kim L, Johnson J Poidomani A, Munoz E, Rajan S, Park JY, Walsh K, Recchia FA, Acute and chronic increase of circulating follistatin-like protein 1 enhance cardiac and systemic fatty acid oxidation in pacing-induced heart failure, Circulation: Heart Failure. 11(1): e004486, 2018


  • Shao Y, Nanayakkara G, Cheng J, Cueto R, Yang WY, Park JY, Wang H, Yang X., Lysophospholipids and their receptors serve as conditional DAMPs and DAMP receptors in tissue oxidative and inflammatory injury, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, doi: 10.1089/ars.2017.7069., 2018


  • Kim JS, Kim B, Lee H, Thakka S, Babbitt, DM, Rizzo V, Brown MD, Park JY*, Shear stress-induced mitochondrial biogenesis decreases the release of microparticles from endothelial cells, American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 309(3):H425-433, 2015  


  • Babbitt DM, Kim JS, Forrester SJ, Brown MD, Park JY*, Effects of interleukin-10 and laminar shear stress on Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase and Nitric Oxide in African American Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells, Ethnicity and Health, 25(4):413-418, 2015


  • Takayahaqi T, Kawai T, Forrester SJ, Obama T, Tsuji T, Fukuda Y, Elliott KJ, Tilley DG, Davisson RL, Park JY, Eguchi S, Role of epidermal growth factor receptor and endoplasmic reticulum stress in vascular remodeling induced by angiotensin II, Hypertension, 65(6):1349-55, 2015


  • Kim B, Lee HJ, Kawata K, Park JY*, Exercise-mediated wall shear stress increases mitochondrial biogenesis in vascular endothelium, PLoS One, 6;9(11):e111409, 2014


  • Forrester S, Kawata K, Lee HJ, Kim JS, Sebzda K, Yingling VR, Park JY*, Bioinformatic Identification of CTGF as an Osteogenic Protein within Skeletal Muscle, Physiology Reports, 2(12). pii: e12255, 2014


  • Kim B, Kim JS, Yoon YS, Santiago M, Brown MD, Park JY*, Inhibition of Drp1-Dependent Mitochondrial Division Impairs Myogenic Differentiation, American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2013 Oct, 305(8):R927-938.


  • Wang PY, Ma W, Park JY, Celi FS, Arena R, Choi JW, Ali QA, Tripodi DJ, Zhuang J, Lago CU, Strong LC, Talagala SL, Balaban RS, Kang JG, Hwang PM, Increase in Oxidative Metabolism Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, New England Journal of Medicine, 2013 Mar, 368(11):1027-1032.


  • Brown MD, Feairheller DL, Thakkar S, Veerabhadrappa P, Park JY*, Racial differences in tumor necrosis factor-α-induced endothelial microparticles and interleukin-6 production, Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2011 Aug; 7:541-550.


  • Feairheller DL, Park JY, RizzoV, Kim B, Brown MD, Racial differences in the response to shear stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, Vascular Health and Risk Management, 2011 Jul; 7:1-7.


  • Feairheller DL, Park JY, Sturgeon KM, Williamson ST, Diaz KM, Veerabhadrappa P, Brown MD, Racial differences in oxidative stress and inflammation: in vitro and in vivo, Clinical Translational Science. 2011 Feb;4(1):32-7.


  • Zago AS,  Kokubun E, Fenty-Stewart NM, Park JY, Attipoe S, Hagberg JM, and Brown MD, Effect of physical activity and t-786C polymorphism in blood pressure and blood flow in the elderly, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2010 Oct; 95(4):510-6.


  • Zago AS, Park JY, Fenty-Stewart NM, Kokubun E and Brown MD, Effects of aerobic exercise on the blood pressure, oxidative stress and eNOS gene polymorphism in pre-hypertensive older people, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2010 Jul, 110(4): 825-832.


  • Park JY, Wang PY, Matsumoto T, Sung, HJ, Ma WZ, Choi J, Anderson SA, Leary SC, Balaban RS, Kang, JG, Hwang, PM, p53 improves aerobic exercise capacity and augments skeletal muscle mitochondrial DNA content, Circulation Research 2009, 25;105(7):705-12.


  • Brinkley T, Fenty-Stewart N, Park JY, Brown MD, Hagberg JM, Plasma Nitrate/Nitrite Levels are Unchanged after Long-Term Aerobic Exercise Training in Older Adults, Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry 2009, 21(3-4): 234-238.


  • Fenty-Stewart N, Park JY, Basu S, Hagberg JM, Ferrell RE, Brown MD, Independent & combined influence of AGTR1 variants and aerobic exercise on oxidative stress in hypertensives, Blood Pressure, 2009, 18(4):204-212.


  • Feairheller DL, Brown MD, Park JY, Brinkley T, Basu S, Hagberg JM, Ferrell RE, Fenty-Stewart NM. Exercise training, NADPH oxidase p22phox gene polymorphisms, and hypertension. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2009, 41(7): 1421-1428.


  • Attipoe S, Park JY, Fenty N, Phares D, Brown MD, Oxidative Stress Levels are Reduced in Postmenopausal Women with Exercise Training Regardless of Hormone Replacement Therapy Status, Journal of Women & Aging, 2008, 20:31-45.


  • Park JY, Farrance IK, Fenty NM, Hagberg JM, Roth SM, Mosser DM, Wang MQ, Jo HJ, Okazaki T, Brant SR, Brown MD, NFKB1 promoter variation implicates shear-induced eNOS gene expression and endothelial function in pre and stage I hypertensives, American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory  Physiology, 2007, 293(4):H2320-H2327.


  • Ma W, Sung HJ, Park JY, Matoba S, Hwang PM, A pivotal role for p53: balancing aerobic respiration and glycolysis, J Bioenerg Biomembr, 2007 Jun;39(3):243-6.


  • Jones JM, Dowling T, Park JJ, Phares DA, Park JY, Obisesan T, Brown MD, Differential Aerobic Exercise-Induced Changes in Plasma Aldosterone between African American and White Prehypertensives & Hypertensives May Be Dependent on Baseline Plasma Aldosterone Levels, Experimental Physiology, 2007, 92(5):871-9.


  • Jones JM, Park JJ, Dowling T, Phares DA, Park JY, Brown MD, Role of potassium excretion and percent body fat on ethnic differences in plasma aldosterone levels,  Ethnicity & Disease 2006;16(3 Suppl 4):S4-10-4.


  • Park JY, Ferrell RE, Park JJ, Hagberg JM, Phares DA, Jones JM, Brown MD, NADPH Oxidase p22phox Gene Variants are Associated with Systemic Oxidative Stress Biomarker Responses to Exercise Training, Journal of Applied Physiology, 2005, 99: 1905-1911.


  • Weiss EP, Park JJ, McKenzie JA, Park JY, Kulaputana O, Brown MD, Dana A. Phares, and Jim M. Hagberg. Plasma Nitrate/Nitrite Response to an Oral Glucose Load and the Effect of Endurance Training, Metabolism, 2004, 53(5):673-9.


  • Jin YS, Park JY, Kim HY, Lee HJ, Lee HJ, Kim YG, Kim MJ, The effect of Aerobic and Qi-Gong on Lymphocyte, β-adrenergic receptor, antioxidative function, and heart rate variability in the elderly, Korean J of Sports Medicine, 2001, 19(2), 359-373.


  • Jin YS, Lee WR, Park JY, The Effect of antioxidants supplementation on antioxidant enzyme activity of skeletal muscle immediately after maximal exercise in rats, Korean J of Sports Medicine, 2001, 19(1), 148-159.


  • Jin YS, Park KK, Park JY, Kim MJ, Lee WR, Kim HY, Lee HJ, Park EK, Effects of exercise-induced oxidative stress and antioxidant supplementation on NF-κB activation in peripheral mononuclear cells, Korean J of Sports Medicine, 2000, 18(2), 261-270.


  • Jin YS, Kim YK, Park EK, Choi HJ, Park JY, The effects of long term stretching Exercise on Health Related Fitness of the Elderly Women, Korea Exercise Science Academy, 2000 April, 1-13.


  • Kim JE, Kim YK, Lee HJ, Park EK, Park JY, Jin YS, Han KS, The Correlation between isokinetic flexion-extension force of each joint and throwing speed in the softball pitcher, Korean J. Sports Medicine, 2000, 18(1): 33-40.


  • Jin YS, Kim MJ, Park JY, Kim YK, Lee HJ, The Effect of Exercise Pattern And Antioxidant Supplement On Antioxidant Enzymes And Total Antioxidant Status, Korean J of Physical Education, 1999, 38(4):451-460.


  • Lee HJ, Kim JE, Park JY, Kim YK, Jin YS, Correlation analysis of muscular fatigue and torque during repeated isokinetic shoulder internal and external rotation, Korean J. of Sports Medicine, 1999, 17(2); 376-384.


  • Park JY, Kim MJ, Jung ST, Jun TW, Kweon OS, Jin YS, The Effect of Antioxidant Vitamins Supplementation on Exercise-Induced Acute Phase Response of T Lymphocyte and Natural Killer Cell, Korean J of Physical Education, 1998, 37(4): 380-389.


  • Jin YS, Kim MJ, Park JY, The Effects of Exercise Pattern on acute response of T lymphocyte and Natural Killer cell : to search a immunological threshold around AT level, Korean J. of Sports Medicine, 1998, 16(2):259-269.


  • Jin YS, Ryu HS, Park JY, The Changes of Blood Total Antioxidant and MDA Concentration with Different Exercise Intensities, Korean J. of Sports Medicine, 1998, 16(2):252-258.


  • Jin YS, Park JY, TW Kim, Kim MH, Kim YK, Lee HJ, Han KS, The Validity of Anaerobic Capacity and Fatigue Index of Wingate Test, Korean J. of Sports Medicine, 1998, 16(1): 97-106.


  • Jin YS, Kim YK, Kim JH, Park JY, The Effects of Exercise and Diet on patterns of Body Fat Distribution, Korean J. of Sports Medicine, 1998, 16(1): 67-76.


  • Kim YK, Jin YS, Kim MH, Lee HJ, Namkung YR, Park JY, Bae YJ, Lee H, The Effect of Exercise Training and Low Calory Diet on Weight Loss and Body Fat Distribution in Obese Women, Korean J of Physical Education, 1997, 36(3)114-122.


  • Jin YS, Kim YK, Kim JH, Kim MH, Lee HJ, Namkung YR, Park JY, The Correlation between Throwing Speed and Shoulder Internal/External Rotators & Trunk Flexion/Extension in the Professional Baseball Pitchers, Korean J. of Sports Medicine.1997, 15(1)58-66.


  • Jin YS, Kim MH, Kim JH, Jun MK, Park JY, The comparisons of peak isokinetic functions of Knee Joint between Normal and PFPS patient, Korean J. of Sports Medicine, 1995, 13(2)114-123.

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